Implementation of autonomous maintenance to pneumatic tools in an assembly line




Autonomous Maintenance, Focused Improvement, Pneumatic networks, Total Production Maintenance.


The automotive sector's assembly and manufacturing companies have pneumatic network systems composed of piping systems, hoses, and pneumatic impact and impulse tools used for product adjustment and assembly processes. Most of these companies do not include this equipment within their preventive maintenance plans because it is not considered a fundamental part of the production process. For this reason, corrective maintenance of the equipment mentioned above only is applied when an unforeseen stop happens. When a failure occurs, production is stopped in an unscheduled manner, causing high repair costs and loss of production time and quality of the assembled product. There are also high energy consumption costs due to air leakage in the pneumatic network, which also affects the delivery compliance of the finished product. This paper presents a methodological proposal for implementing a focused improvement project for the pneumatic tools of assembling lines based on autonomous maintenance, one of the pillars of Total Production Maintenance. Line operators are solely responsible for equipment inspection to anticipate potential failures and thus make scheduled stops for equipment intervention, improving the quality of the finished product and avoiding accidents or losses due to breakdowns. The proposed solution manages to increase the pneumatic line's availability from 88% to 98%.


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Goal corrective interventions.




How to Cite

Sanin Villa , D. ., Gallego Valencia , S., & Arboleda Urrea, Y. P. (2021). Implementation of autonomous maintenance to pneumatic tools in an assembly line. Revista CINTEX, 26(2), 14–21.



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