The university-business-state relationship in the Colombian scenario and the techological management process


  • Saúl Rivero Mejía
  • Johann Carlos Ramírez Canedo


University, Business, State, Technological Management, Innovation


In a knowledge-based society, giving added value to products and services is a mandatory action for the achievement of a competitive advantage. These products and services not only impact the generation of qualified job positions, but also most of the time in economic growth. Through the National System of Innovation (SNI), it is possible to combine efforts and improve relations between actors: State, productive sector, academia and society in general. The support and the way in which the relations between the academy and the sector productive, significantly differentiates the results between from the third world. For the Colombian case, improvement in the ties between the university and the company, and guide them towards a relationship where each one participates according to its strengths and weaknesses will be decisive for the promotion of innovation. In this article, we intend to take a critical look at this relationship, highlighting the Past and present most relevant achievements, and also the future challenges for Colombian society in science, technology, and innovation.


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How to Cite

Rivero Mejía, S., & Ramírez Canedo, J. C. (2011). The university-business-state relationship in the Colombian scenario and the techological management process. Revista CINTEX, 16(1), 96–102. Retrieved from

