Automathic visual inspection of a flexographic process using artificial vision to correct the printing plates misalignment


  • D. Giraldo Institucion Universitaria Pascual Bravo
  • J. Graciano-Uribe Institucion Universitaria Pascual Bravo
  • C. Madrigal Institucion Universitaria Pascual Bravo
  • J. Londoño Familia Sancela S.A


Artificial Vision, Flexography, Printing plates, OpenCV, Stroboscopic


The flexography is an industrial printing method used in different materials such as paper, fabric, cardboard etc, where the alignment of the different printed figures depend on of sync between the printing plates. This work develops a solution through artificial vision and industrial automation this allows knowing the printing plates misalignment in the flexography process, which is realized by the Familia Sancela S.A company. Having as basis a template image, is obtained of way automatic intensity color information through of k-means clustering. This allows making segmentation of the acquired image in real-time process through a high-speed industrial camera and stroboscopic lighting system so, getting from template matching process datas such as location of each object, distance and angles between both these are compared with the information of the image template this allows know quickly and efficiently the distance it has to travel automatically the actuator might locate in the printing plates for a final product of high quality and largely avoid the wastage of paper. In the partial results obtained, the methodology of artificial vision proposal generates a recognition rate and interpretation near to 98%, and in addition provides an easily interpretable result for the actuator work.


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How to Cite

Giraldo, D., Graciano-Uribe, J., Madrigal, C., & Londoño, J. (2016). Automathic visual inspection of a flexographic process using artificial vision to correct the printing plates misalignment. Revista CINTEX, 21(1), 23–34. Retrieved from

