Analysis of the derivation under the integration sign


  • M. R. Fulla Institucion Universitaria Pascual Bravo
  • I. E. Rivera Institución Universitaria Pascual Bravo
  • J. L. Palacio Institucion Universitaria Pascual Bravo


Leibnitz’s rul, transport phenomena, statistical mechanics,, derivatives under the integral.


In  numerous  problems  of  applied  statistical  mechanics,  such  as  the  case  of  transport phenomena,  the  so-called  derivatives  under  the  integral  have  been  an  important  and interesting tool to exploit, since in the study of these type of engineering systems, it is possible to perform a characterization of their behavior and know its general properties from their derivatives under the integral. Specifically, in the advanced mathematics, the treatment of the derivative under the integral is called the Leib- nitz’s rule available in some mathematical analysis books. In the present paper the demonstration of this theorem is achieved in the real case contributing to a better understanding from mathematicians, engineers and physicists.


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How to Cite

Fulla, M. R., Rivera, I. E., & Palacio, J. L. (2016). Analysis of the derivation under the integration sign. Revista CINTEX, 21(1), 15–22. Retrieved from

