Sustainable development: A recognition of the limits to economic growth



Economic Growth, Sustainability, Ecological Economy, Sustainable Development


The current economic models do not take into account the thresholds of the planet´s carrying capacity and do not recognize the existence of ecological and physical limits because the economic growth is based on unlimited resources models, therefore they have not been concerned with determining the above mentioned sustainability thresholds. This reflection paper wants to appeal to the conscience that the current economic growth model has a total disregard for planetary limits in relation to the availability of the resources, the wastes and the absorption capacity of the planet, and if the current rate continue, its natural limits would be reached soon at expense of the depletion of renewable and non-renewable resources


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Author Biography

Jacobo Echavarría Cuervo, Institución Universitaria Pascual Bravo

Docente Investigador, Grupo Ideograma

Ingeniero Industrial

Magister en Desarrollo Sostenible y Medio Ambiente


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How to Cite

Echavarría Cuervo, J. (2013). Sustainable development: A recognition of the limits to economic growth. Revista CINTEX, 18, 167–183. Retrieved from

