Application of the carbon market for hydroelectric projects



Certificados de reducción de emisiones, créditos de carbono, reducción de emisiones, cambio climático, financiamiento de carbono, mercados voluntarios, central hidroeléctrica


With the signing of the Kyoto Protocol, a new concern was introduced into society about the urgent need to limit the amount of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This concern has led to the creation of the so-called Carbon Market. In this scenario, a standard price for carbon is established using an approach whereby, said colloquially, “the polluter pays.” In this Carbon Market, a kind of bond denominated “Certified Emission Reduction” (CER) is given to the projects through which GHG emissions are reduced. The hydropower plants are among the most popular of the projects eligible for these certificates, and these initiatives are widespread in countries like Brazil, Chile, and Central American nations. However, the relatively small number of this kind of projects in Colombia is in contrast with the enormous energetic potential available of several resources, in general, and of hydropower, in particular.


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How to Cite

Duque Grisales, E. A., & Patiño Murillo, J. A. (2013). Application of the carbon market for hydroelectric projects. Revista CINTEX, 18, 131–143. Retrieved from

