Artificial Intelligence: benefits, considerations, and responsibilities for its development


  • Pablo Cesar Negrete-Rubio Nox Robotics



Artificial Intelligence, Software development, Algorithm, Development risks


This article addresses the multiple benefits and ethical and technical considerations in developing Artificial Intelligence (AI). First, it highlights how AI has transformed healthcare, finance, manufacturing, and agriculture industries, improving efficiency and accuracy in tasks like medical diagnostics and predictive maintenance and contributing significantly to innovation and job creation. In humanitarian terms, AI also plays a crucial role in disaster management and environmental conservation, demonstrating its potential to foster a more equitable and sustainable society.

However, the development of AI is not without challenges. Developers must be aware of the risks associated with creating algorithms, such as collecting large volumes of data to train effective systems, and the importance of normalizing and analyzing this information to prevent biases and prediction errors. Moreover, the randomization of data is crucial to avoid biases and improve the generalization of models. There is a call to the Latin American community to actively participate in the development and regulation of AI, highlighting the importance of establishing transparent and fair standards that ensure AI algorithms benefit everyone equitably, especially in applications that involve physical interaction with humans, such as in robots and autonomous vehicles.


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How to Cite

Negrete-Rubio, P. C. (2022). Artificial Intelligence: benefits, considerations, and responsibilities for its development . Revista CINTEX, 27(2), 10–14.
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