Lessons learned from research projects related to developing solutions for people with disabilities





Disability, Industrial Design, orthosis, Prothesis


Within the investigative process, there is an essential element to take into account: the purpose of the investigation, its application, and the impact it will have. Despite what may be believed, not all investigations come to a happy conclusion, and even many of them end up stored in the library of a prestigious university. A few more research works, perhaps with something of what we could call “fortune,” manage to be published in a journal: it is worth asking if this is the destination that the researchers had in mind for their project. After almost ten years as a researcher of projects with applications in the health sector, particularly in attention to problems related to disabilities, a fundamental aspect in the process has been the consolidation of a multidisciplinary work group. A team full of passion for creating solutions that serve people with specific needs and generate a better quality of life. However, the most critical element is to treat the end users or patients, as the main characters of the project, as a member who contributes the most valuable knowledge: their coexistence with the disability.


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How to Cite

Paramo-Velasquez, C. A. (2022). Lessons learned from research projects related to developing solutions for people with disabilities. Revista CINTEX, 27(1), 10–11. https://doi.org/10.33131/24222208.399



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