Analysis of the environmental strategies implemented by the ecouniversities of Antioquia and their influence on the mitigation of the carbon footprint




Environmental strategies, carbon footprint, sustainability, environmental impact, Sustainable Development


The focus of this study is particularly relevant in the current context, where awareness of environmental sustainability has gained greater importance. The initiative of the Ecouniversities in Antioquia, recognized by Corantioquia, highlights the active role that the educational sector can and should play in promoting sustainable practices. The methodology adopted in the study, which combines qualitative and quantitative analysis without manipulating the variables and with a transversal approach, allows a broad and detailed understanding of the strategies implemented. This study not only highlights the importance of adopting measures to reduce the carbon footprint within educational institutions, but also shows how universities in Medellín are leading by example, implementing strategies that go beyond legal requirements to contribute significantly. to environmental sustainability. By analyzing the practices of these Ecouniversities, the work offers valuable lessons on how institutions can integrate sustainability into their operational and academic core. The relevance of this analysis lies in its ability to provide tools and references for other institutions seeking to undertake or improve their sustainability initiatives. The identified strategies not only benefit the environment, reducing the negative impact of human activities, but also foster a culture of environmental responsibility and commitment within the academic community and beyond. In conclusion, this work offers a significant contribution to the field of environmental sustainability in the educational context, highlighting how universities in Medellín and Antioquia are adopting a leadership role in carbon footprint mitigation. This proactive approach to sustainability is a model to follow for institutions in Colombia and around the world.


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How to Cite

Restrepo-Zapata, E. J. (2022). Analysis of the environmental strategies implemented by the ecouniversities of Antioquia and their influence on the mitigation of the carbon footprint. Revista CINTEX, 27(1), 13–20.



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