Facial recognition system with and without face mask using Haar cascade, LBPH, Eigenface and Fisherface classifiers

Facial recognition system with facemask using Haar cascade, LBPH, Eigenface and Fisherface classifiers





classification algorithm, expert training system, artificial intelligence, image processing


The implementation of automated access systems in high-traffic areas, such as transportation systems and healthcare centers, is a growing necessity to mitigate congestion and work-related stress. In this context, facial recognition emerges as an effective solution, offering personalized and efficient access control. Artificial intelligence, combined with robust databases, enables precise facial identification, and when complemented with face classifiers, facilitates facial recognition. The Haar Cascade classifier operates through small classifiers that analyze different portions of a facial image, which are then combined to provide a precise detection result, facilitating the creation of a database that can be trained by recognition algorithms. This study presents a facial recognition system using the Haar Cascade classifier for image collection, and the Local Binary Patterns Histogram (LBPH), EigenFace (EF), and FisherFace (FF) classifiers for the recognition process. The data collection included images of six individuals, obtaining 350 images without face masks and 350 images with face masks. Training times varied between 9.54 seconds and 9287.64 seconds. Once the models were trained, the facial recognition time ranged from 0.0001 seconds to 0.4447 seconds. The recognition accuracy with the LBPH classifier ranged from 80.9069% to 100%, with the EF classifier from 69.7542% to 100%, and with the FF classifier from 31.6017% to 91.3684%. These results demonstrate the speed of the proposed facial recognition system, highlighting the accuracy and speed of the LBPH classifier.


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How to Cite

Grisales-Londoño, E., Botero-Henao, O. I., Calle-Pérez, I., Galeano-Echeverri, O. J., & Orozco-Gómez, D. (2023). Facial recognition system with and without face mask using Haar cascade, LBPH, Eigenface and Fisherface classifiers: Facial recognition system with facemask using Haar cascade, LBPH, Eigenface and Fisherface classifiers. Revista CINTEX, 27(2), 44–55. https://doi.org/10.33131/24222208.386



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