Design of the chassis of an electric vehicle for the II National Competition of Electric Traction Vehicles




Finite element analysis, CAD, CAE, Solidworks, IICNVTE, Static loads, Roll cage


This article presents the stages of design and construction of the chassis for an electric vehicle. It begins with the conceptual design, where the geometry and materials used were defined. Next, simulations were conducted using the finite element method (FEM) parametric software Solidworks, with the aim of establishing boundary conditions, loads, and contacts, and finally, the planimetry of the parts and their manufacture was carried out. The mechanical behavior under a load of 1500 N on the front, rear, and sides of the chassis was analyzed. In the front area, a value of 80.93 MPa was reached, while the material limit is around 268 MPa for the ASTM 500 grade B material that was used. Regarding the deformation the chassis undergoes, a maximum value of 0.29 mm was reached, ensuring that the safety cage of the chassis maintains the integrity of the driver, considering that the speeds reached by this type of vehicle do not exceed 60 km/h. Finally, the technical information (planning) was generated, to proceed with the production and construction stage. This article is the result of interdisciplinary work by students and professors from different branches of engineering: mechanical, electrical, electronics, and automotive at the Institución Universitaria Pascual Bravo and is part of the initiatives to encourage electric mobility through the design and manufacturing of a vehicle for the 2nd National Competition of Electric Traction Vehicles (IICNVTE).


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How to Cite

Villa Salazar, A. F., Gonzalez Montoya, E., & Romero Maya, A. (2023). Design of the chassis of an electric vehicle for the II National Competition of Electric Traction Vehicles. Revista CINTEX, 27(2), 16–31.
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