Implementation results of embedded voltage conversion module in three-phase motors


  • Jortin De Jesús Vargas-Ortega Institución Universitaria Pascual Bravo
  • Carlos Mario Moreno-Paniagua Institución Universitaria Pascual Bravo



Energy efficiency, single-phase supply, induction motor, motor control, voltage inverter


This work presents the design and implementation results of an electronic module embedded in electric induction motors. This module allows the connection of electric induction motors in single-phase installations to increase the efficiency of motive power devices used in non-industrial areas. Small businesses are growing in many sectors, using electrical power fed from single-phase connections, which generally have low efficiency compared to triphasic ones. Low efficiency in those installations is due to the single-phase and three-phase induction electric motors fed with one-phase voltage


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Resultado de las pruebas del motor alimentado desde red monofásica. La curva verde es la corriente del motor con respecto a la velocidad angular (I =[A] vs ω= [rad / s]); la curva azul es la tensión aplicada con respecto a la velocidad angular (U=[V] vs ω = [rad / s]); la curva roja es el torque del motor con respecto a la velocidad angular (T=[Nm] vs ω = [rad / s]).



How to Cite

Vargas-Ortega, J. D. J., & Moreno-Paniagua, C. M. (2021). Implementation results of embedded voltage conversion module in three-phase motors . Revista CINTEX, 26(2), 22–30.



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