IoT-based wireless system for the measurement of temperature and speed in an induction motor


  • Samir Correa Esquivia Estudiante de maestría
  • Andres Felipe Sanchez Prisco
  • Johnatan Mauricio Rodríguez Serna
  • Melisa de Jesus Barrera Durando



Induction motor, embedded systems, wireless network, IoT, monitoring, open source


Induction motors are electrical machines widely used in different industrial processes due to some characteristics, such as their robustness and efficiency. Its use in essential and complex processes within production lines requires the implementation of monitoring and supervision systems to guarantee its safe, continuous, and reliable operation. The remote control, monitoring, and supervision systems of induction motors must allow the integration of different automation equipment and must also be scalable and flexible. Additionally, said systems should enable the acquisition of critical variables, such as temperature and speed, which allow real-time estimations of the motor operating conditions and the development of diagnoses and forecasts of fault conditions. This article presents a novel alternative for implementing a temperature and speed monitoring system for induction motors with the above characteristics and based on IoT technologies. The communication between the devices that make up the proposed monitoring system is performed through the LoRa communication standard. The local server is implemented using a Raspberry Pi, which, in turn, allows this information to be sent to an IoT platform in the cloud. Two cards were designed to acquire the temperature and speed signals with PIC16F1827 microprocessors and a DIP Switch for assigning addresses. The user interface is implemented using the Node-RED tool. Finally, the information management in the cloud is done through an open-source server that implements the MQTT protocol. Results of some tests are shown in which the adequate performance of the proposed system is verified, and the potentialities are presented, not only for monitoring several electrical and mechanical variables but also for diagnosing and managing induction motors. The system obtained is quite functional, scalable, and flexible in its topology. It allows the integration of different equipment and multi-brand devices at a lower cost than other commercial devices. Additionally, the proposed system is decentralized and based on open-source technologies.


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Sistema para la adquisición velocidad angular del rotor.



How to Cite

Correa Esquivia, S., Sanchez Prisco, A. F., Rodríguez Serna, J. M., & Barrera Durando, M. de J. (2023). IoT-based wireless system for the measurement of temperature and speed in an induction motor. Revista CINTEX, 27(2), 32–42.
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