Ferromagnetic Resonance Effects during Transformer Energization


  • G. J. Correa-Henao PhD en Ingeniería eléctrica. Facultad de Ingenierías y Arquitectura. Fundación Universitaria Luis Amigó, Medellín, Colombia


Ferromagnetic Resonance, Harmonics, Transformers


This  technical  contribution  is  based  upon  the  study  of  some  case  studies  on  the phenomenon of ferromagnetic resonance. It relates to the explanation of many problems due to shut-off and opening maneuvers on single-phase transformers, taking into account conventional circuit configuration parameters that conforms the regulations required by EPM standards for residential customers in the Department of Antioquia (Colombia). Thus, some explanations are conducted on various problems due to the shutting-off and opening on single-phase transformers.


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How to Cite

Correa-Henao, G. J. (2015). Ferromagnetic Resonance Effects during Transformer Energization. Revista CINTEX, 20(1), 139–163. Retrieved from https://revistas.pascualbravo.edu.co/index.php/cintex/article/view/35

