SENNOVA System: Research, Innovation and Technological Development at the service of Colombia




Technological Education, Research, Innovation, Technological Development, SENNOVA


Beyond training programs, initiatives such as the Emprender Fund, and courses tailored to the needs of users, SENA is committed to supporting collaborative and articulated work with the different actors in the science, technology and innovation ecosystem (CTeI).This is an scenario of local, regional and national competitiveness and productivity, with goals from the closing of human talent gaps, and the provision of infrastructure and resource management from the centers. This is made possible through its Research, Innovation and Technological Development  system, SENNOVA.


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SENA, Acuerdo 016 de 2012, Por el cual se regula el Programa de Investigación, Desarrollo Tecnológico e Innovación y se subrogan los Acuerdos números 007 de 2006 y 004 de 2008., vol. 16. 2012.

J. J. Castro Maldonado, J. A. Patiño Murillo, y C. Gómez López, «Procesos de I+D+i en el Centro de Servicios y Gestión Empresarial del Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje SENA 2015-2017», Rev. Espac., vol. 39, n.o 20, p. 21, 2018.

SENA, Guía de la línea programática de investigación aplicada: Grupos y semilleros de investigación v-2, vol. 003. 2018.



How to Cite

Areiza Rico, Y. A. (2019). SENNOVA System: Research, Innovation and Technological Development at the service of Colombia. Revista CINTEX, 24(1), 10–11.