A Technological Surveillance Report about Lighting Systems





RETILAP, Artificial lighting, luminaire, bulb, energy efficiency


Anthropogenic, natural activities, and a highly accelerated industrial era have involved a large concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, directly affecting the climatic change process. The energy generation sector is highly involved in these changes, so they must take responsibility for the matter, supporting the development of new technologies to protect the environment, designing efficient devices for generation, transmission, and final customer use in order to guarantee economic and environmental sustainability. This paper makes an exploration of the technologies used for the artificial illumination of different kinds of environments, classifying the lights according to the manufacturing technology of the emitting source. Besides, the work involves a compilation of data about energy consumption and life cycle in some luminaires. For the regulatory aspect, this work also compiles information about Colombian legislation for the lighting sector, listing some laws and decrees provided by law for mandatory compliance, which tend to care for human life, plant, animate, and the equipment and devices used in energy systems.


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How to Cite

Florián Villa, A. E., & Correa-Gutiérrez, R. E. (2019). A Technological Surveillance Report about Lighting Systems . Revista CINTEX, 24(2), 34–45. https://doi.org/10.33131/24222208.341



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