Development of a software tool for the management of infrastructure maintenance in the SENA Antioquia regional




Maintenance, Processes, Software, Management, Traceability


This article describes the development of a software tool to solve the problem of management for the processes of infrastructure maintenance of the National Training Service - SENA Regional Antioquia. Previously, those maintenance tasks were requested through cumbersome procedures using Excel formats, Word documents, and e-mail messages. The sheer quantity of transactions and communications involved difficulted the traceability of the tasks and the optimal allocation of human and technical resources to perform the corrective measures. The web management tool developed minimizes downtime of the staff, allowing the organization to optimize human resources. Also, the software affects economic and environmental factors through effective and appropriate maintenance management of equipment. Besides, this tool contributes to sustainable development minimizing the use of paper by the offering of alerts and notifications online and preventing the physical impression of the formats for each stage of the process.   Developed software also simplifies the calculation of statistics, since it can be known with certainty the number of executed operations a given time. The precise tracking and control of maintenance processes are fundamental for management in any organization or company owning goods or properties in need of periodic maintenance.


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How to Cite

Vahos, J. D., Pino, A. A., & Castro Maldonado, J. J. (2019). Development of a software tool for the management of infrastructure maintenance in the SENA Antioquia regional. Revista CINTEX, 24(1), 13–19.