Identification of types, models and mechanisms of technology transfer leveraging the innovation




Innovation, Technological transference, knowledge transference, Transference mechanism, Transference models


Technology transfer (TT) is considered a continuous process in which know-how, experience and technological equipment flow from one institution to another. The term transfer includes the learning process to understand, use and replicate the acquired technologies, including the ability to choose it and adapt it to local conditions, and integrate it into the technology of the region. The objective of this study is to carry out a systematic review of studies related to TT since 2010, using the PRISMA methodology, in order to identify the types, models, and mechanisms of TT. The relevance of this study is evidenced in public-private partnerships, between schools and the private sector for the execution of projects. The results show a selection of 7 models and 4 mechanisms, from which it is selected which is best suited to the needs of the Service and Business Management Center of the National SENA Learning Service, which allows it to fulfill the mission institutional; perform applied research according to the realities and context.


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Author Biographies

Jennifer Andrea Londoño-Gallego, Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje SENA

Formuladora de proyectos, Investigador SENNOVA, SENA Centro de Servicios y Gestión Empresarial, Grupo de investigación GIGAT, Medellín, Colombia

Sandra Milena Velásquez Restrepo, Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje SENA

MSc en Ingeniería con énfasis en materiales, Líder SENNOVA, SENA Centro de Servicios y Gestión Empresarial, Grupo de investigación GIGAT, Medellín, Colombia

Mónica Eliana Villa Rodríguez, Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje SENA

Ingeniera Financiera, Instructora, SENA Centro de Servicios y Gestión Empresarial, Grupo de investigación GIGAT, Medellín, Colombia

Fernando De Jesús Franco Cuartas, Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje SENA

Administrador de Negocios, Instructor, SENA Centro de Servicios y Gestión Empresarial, Grupo de investigación GIGAT, Medellín, Colombia

Nilza Elena Viana-Rúa, Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje SENA

MSc en Mercadeo, Instructora, SENA Centro de Servicios y Gestión Empresarial, Grupo de investigación GIGAT, Medellín, Colombia


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How to Cite

Londoño-Gallego, J. A., Velásquez Restrepo, S. M., Villa Rodríguez, M. E., Franco Cuartas, F. D. J., & Viana-Rúa, N. E. (2018). Identification of types, models and mechanisms of technology transfer leveraging the innovation. Revista CINTEX, 23(2), 13–23.