Finite element analysis of the structural performance of safety roll cage of Renault Logan vehicle under FIA regulations




Finite element analysis, Car racing, static loads, safety roll cage


This work presents a structural analysis of a safety roll cage of Renault Logan 2005 considering the regulations of International Federation of Automobile for tourism vehicles. Specifically, the vertical load test over the main arch is considered. Finite Element simulations were carried out employing the software ANSYS, where the geometry, material, boundary conditions, loads and contacts were properly defined. The mechanical behavior of the structure was analyzed under the load of 90 KN required by FIA taking into account the distortion strain energy theory and the total deformation. Afterward, it was found that plastic deformations can take place for loads above 32.2 KN, whereas punctual failures can arise for loads above 44 KN. Additionally, it is worth mentioning that the implementation of the minimum geometrical, material and manufacturing requirements of FIA does not necessarily assure the safety of the structure.


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How to Cite

Tobón Cadavid, C., Patiño Arcila, I. D., & Lemmel Vélez, K. (2018). Finite element analysis of the structural performance of safety roll cage of Renault Logan vehicle under FIA regulations. Revista CINTEX, 23(2), 35–53.

