Integration of internet of things in logistic processes of vending machines




Supply, distribution, Internet of things (IOT), Logistics, transport, vending


The primary objective of this article is the review of the conditions for the application of the Internet of Things in some of the logistic processes.  This integration is changing the way for delivering information to the operators, and it is generating different dynamics inside the traditional activities that make up the supply process. Usually, the operators must guarantee the availability of the product in the conditions that the client wishes. For this particular case, the possible applications of the Internet of Things are framed in the so-called "VENDING" business: the marketing of products such as snacks, beverages, toiletries, essential medicines, among others, through electronic dispensers. The methodology used is based on the analysis of the specialized literature on the subject of vending, the Internet of Things and the "things" that demand a constant level of product supply.  Also, this work describes the characteristics of the permanent supply in dispensers of snacks, soft drinks and perishable products such as fruits, fresh products, and dairy products. In this regard, the consultation of primary sources in charge of the operation of three vending machines located inside an educational institution was significant.  This exploration highlighted aspects such as the measurements on exhausting behavior and frequency of arrival of clients. These factors are identified and discussed for enhancement through the application of the Internet of Things technologies in vending machines.


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How to Cite

Ramírez, D. (2018). Integration of internet of things in logistic processes of vending machines. Revista CINTEX, 23(1), 25–30.

