Software development for maintenance management in the laboratories of I. U. Pascual Bravo




Maintenance management, CMMS (Computerized System for Maintenance Management), assets, management indicators, work order, datasheet


There is a growing importance of the maintenance actions in the productive sector, due to the requirement to guarantee the availability and reliability of the assets. This growing trend has generated the need for tools that improve the administration of the maintenance departments. In this context, Computerized Systems for Maintenance Management (CMMS) are in evolution, with the aim of contributing to the planning, execution, and control of the activities generated from maintenance operations. CMMS can make all the data collected from maintenance management tasks become relevant information for decision making in search of continuous improvement. I.U. Pascual Bravo is an educational institution with laboratories for the provision of both academic and industrial services. In these labs, it is essential to work on the conservation and safety of the assets through maintenance management activities.  In consequence, there is a clear need of developing a CMMS adapted to the characteristics of the equipment from the different laboratories of the Faculty of Engineering, looking for the centralization of the operation and maintenance information. This article presents the evolution and development of the CMMS and then describes the functionality of SIMA.  SIMA is an application developed to centralize the maintenance management of the equipment of the laboratories of the faculty of engineering. This software module intends to contribute to the creation of a maintenance culture supported by the correct recording of the generated information to improve both the completed activities and the available resources.


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How to Cite

Ardila Marín, M. I., Orozco Murillo, W., Galeano Echeverr, O. J., & Medina Escobar, A. M. (2018). Software development for maintenance management in the laboratories of I. U. Pascual Bravo. Revista CINTEX, 23(1), 43–50.

