Modeling and identification of an electromechanical system and PID control design to wirelessly govern the movement of one mobile object


  • Vesna Srdanovic Departamento de Electrónica, Facultad de Ingeniería, Institución Universitaria Pascual Bravo, Medellín, Colombia
  • Oscar Botero Henao Departamento de Electrónica, Facultad de Ingeniería, Institución Universitaria Pascual Bravo
  • Sergio Hernando Ruiz Institución Universitaria Pascual Bravo, Medellín, Colombia



Modeling of DC motor, PID control, Arduino technology, wireless data transmission, ZigBee protocol


In this article we are presenting the process of the speed control designing for an
electromechanical system, specifically for a DC motor with permanent magnet. The results
obtained are relevant for the development of the control system of one mobile object, with the
aim of governing its movement wirelessly. The applied methodology includes mathematical
modeling, the identification of the DC motor and the design of the corresponding speed
control. The mathematical model was presented, according to the laws that describe the
electromechanical systems and the numerical stipulation of the parameters that characterize
the motor. Also another method was used to obtain the motor transfer function, known as
identification of a physical system, applying the experimental and computational technique.
In the verification process of the transfer functions and the design of the control system
we used the Matlab software and its respective tools like Simulink, Simscape and SISO Tool.
Finally the designed controllers will be used to develop a control system for displacement of
a mobile object, according to a previously specified trajectory. For wireless communication,
ZigBee technology was selected, the small radio transceivers called XBee modules, suitable
for short-range wireless communication.


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How to Cite

Srdanovic, V., Botero Henao, O., & Hernando Ruiz, S. (2017). Modeling and identification of an electromechanical system and PID control design to wirelessly govern the movement of one mobile object. Revista CINTEX, 22(1), 25–46.

