Labor and productive conditions in micro-enterprises that manufacture clothing in Medellin


  • J. Echavarría MsC en Desarrollo Sostenible y Medio Ambiente, Ingeniero Industrial. Docente Investigador. Grupo Qualipro-Institución Universitaria Pascual Bravo


Clothing manufacture, maquila, Sweatshops, social accountability, informality employment


This paper is a summary about a study conducted with 55 micro-enterprises (50 surveys and 5 audit visits), in order to identify the labor and productive conditions in clothing manufacture, micro-enterprises and maquila workshops for fashion producers in Medellin. The key areas from which the data was collected are as follows: Administrative, legal,logistical, marketing, sales, human resources, production and business needs related to support and training. The results were able to identify the needs of micro-entrepreneurs in order to develop their businesses and the lack of knowledge to manage processes in a more efficient way, in particular, the informal and uncertain working conditions for some sweatshops.


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How to Cite

Echavarría, J. (2015). Labor and productive conditions in micro-enterprises that manufacture clothing in Medellin. Revista CINTEX, 20(2), 79–95. Retrieved from

