Validation Of The Aquacrop Model For Different Levels Of Fertilization On Quinoa Crop In The Bolivian Highlands


  • Héctor Fajardo Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, La Paz, Bolivia.
  • Magali García Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, La Paz, Bolivia.
  • Dirk Raes Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Leuven, KU Leuven
  • H. Van Gaelen Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Leuven, KU Leuven


Modeling, AquaCrop, soil fertility, quinoa


Many crop models use a nutrient balance for modeling crop response to soil fertility, but it means the use of a large amount of data that is not normally available, which discourages their use. To compensate this problem, the AquaCrop crop model released its soil fertility evaluation module with a semi-quantitative approach, instead of introducing different levels of specific nutrients, the overall level of soil fertility is introduced. This is expressed in terms of the expected impact on crop biomass, which is observed in the field or obtained from production statistics. The study describes how it was calibrated and evaluated, the semiquantitative approach of AquaCrop to simulate the quinoa crop in the Bolivian highlands under integrated restrictions of nutrients and water. The response algorithms to fertility in the model were evaluated with data from field experiments crop in different agricultural managements and regions of the Bolivian highlands, with various levels of soil fertility and under rainfed or deficit irrigation. It was demonstrated that AquaCrop properly simulates the soil moisture content, the development of dry biomass and crop yield under different levels of fertility for quinoa as well as the combined effect of fertility stress and water stress. This study shows that the semi-quantitative approach that AquaCrop has, model appropriate the behavior for quinoa production conditions and that the model can be applied with certainty levels after calibrated to simulate crop production under different fertility levels in various environmental conditions without requiring detailed information of content of nutrients in the soil, making it useful and applicable for use; in local conditions where soil information is limited.


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How to Cite

Fajardo, H., García, M., Raes, D., & Van Gaelen, H. (2016). Validation Of The Aquacrop Model For Different Levels Of Fertilization On Quinoa Crop In The Bolivian Highlands. Revista CINTEX, 21(2), 31–52. Retrieved from

