Soil Science, a dare to Colombian Environmental Engineering.


  • Soraya Castillo Giraldo Colectivo de estudiantes del Pregrado de Ingeniería Ambiental Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Medellín


Soil science, Environmental Engineering, emphasis area


It  sounds  trivial  talk  about  how  it  matter  soil  science  in  environmental  surveys.  It’s  widely known  the  fundamental  role  soils  play  in  functioning  and  development  in  ecosystems.  If  in other  hand  it  talks  about  soil  as  living  being  that  has  a  genesis  and  development  and  how dependent on soils products is the mankind, It can be clear the importance of applying soils knowledge among several topics that resources planning and management demands. However, Environmental Engineering (EE) which by definition is that profession where all developed knowledge  about  environment  should converge  in  order  to  take  the  best  environmental  decisions,  is  still  unrelated  with  all  possible  applications  of  soils  knowledge.  Although  it sounds enough obvious, the real case is that very few of the best universities in environmental sciences around world take into account soil as an intervention field. Specifically in Colombia just one university has propose the integrator and social point of view of EE to the contribution in  developing  applications  of  soil  science  to  the  treatment  of  soils  degradation  problems.


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How to Cite

Castillo Giraldo, S. (2016). Soil Science, a dare to Colombian Environmental Engineering. Revista CINTEX, 21(2), 9–15. Retrieved from

