About the Journal


The CINTEX journal (ISSNe: 2422-2208 | ISSN: 0122-350X) is a scientific publication created in 1990 by the Academic Vice-rectory, within the Center for Research and Extension of the Pascual Bravo University Institution. The first volume published had the theme "Research, challenge in Colombia." Almost thirty years later, the characteristics of the journal have followed the challenge that was marked in its first edition with the purpose of publishing and encouraging research and improving the scientific production of the institution.

CINTEX magazine receives complete articles written in Spanish or English from original research articles that contain new information in the area of ​​Engineering and Technology on traditional topics such as emerging science and technology. Areas of interest related to industrial applications, emerging instrumental techniques, technological development, and industrial innovation, and design applications in different fields are accepted. Articles from other disciplines integrated with engineering such as nanotechnology, materials sciences and computational methods, as well as applied basic sciences are published: mathematical, physical and chemical engineering.

This publication aims to make visible the academic and research production of the institution's teachers, students and external, national and international academic peers with interest in the publication of scientific contents in our thematic areas.

The periodicity of the journal is biannual, two copies per year, with free online circulation. The delivery of the articles is done through the OJS platform or by email to revistacintex@pascualbravo.edu.co 


Research paper. A document that presents, in a detailed manner, the original results of completed research projects. The structure generally used contains four essential sections: introduction, methodology, results, and conclusions.

Reflection articles. A document that presents results of finished research from an analytical, interpretative or critical perspective of the author, over a specific topic, using original sources of information.

Review article. A document where the results of published or unpublished research are analyzed, systematized and integrated, in a field of science or technology, in order to account for the advances and development trends. Usually, this kind of article presents a careful bibliographic review of at least 50 references.

Short article. A short document that presents preliminary or partial original results of scientific or technological research, which usually require early dissemination.




Once the article is received, a reference number is assigned; The author of the primary contact is notified of the start of the review process by the Editorial Committee, which analyzes the formal aspects of relevance, clarity, organization, and compatibility with the journal's objectives. As well as the aspects of language (style and punctuation). Based on this initial review, the Editorial Committee decides whether the article is rejected without further evaluation or accepted to be evaluated by external academic peers.

The rejected works in this first stage are those that do not comply with the originality requirements, have deficiencies in their writing or structure or do not meet the presentation requirements demanded by the journal.

The Editorial Committee works based on the principle of editorial freedom, for which reason it is autonomous in the selection of the editorial content of the Journal.


 The articles accepted by the Editorial Committee are subject to review by two peer reviewers for their scientific evaluation under a double-blind system that guarantees the anonymity of the evaluators and the authors.

Among the criteria to be evaluated is the relevance of the topic to the subject of the journal and its scientific quality. The arbitrators are chosen based on principles of academic solvency in the subject of the article; the peers give the Editorial Committee the recommendation to publish without modifications, publish the article with modifications or not publish through an evaluation format that is available once the reviewer accepts the evaluation.

The articles whose concept is publishable with modifications may be readjusted by the authors, in a period determined by the journal, and sent again for a review by the peer reviewers or the Editorial Committee. In case of discrepancy between the two results, the text is sent to a third arbitrator whose decision will define its publication. Each academic pair will review the quality, originality, relevance and practical value of the work.

The members of the Editorial Committee of the journal may make suggestions to the articles in order to improve or adjust their preparation according to the demands of the journal. In any case, the final definition of publication is taken by the Editorial Committee, taking into consideration the arbitration recommendations.



If according to the peer evaluation, an article has the scientific and technical qualifications for publication, the contact author will be informed about the methodological recommendations and suggestions performed by the referees and the Editorial Committee. These observations must be addressed for the authors to remain in the publishing process. Therefore, the corrected version is revised again in order to verify that all changes have been adjusted before accepting its publication in the journal.

To do this, the author is asked to submit a detailed letter indicating one by one the attended corrections and also justifying the unattended observations. If there is no response from the contact author, the article is assumed to be removed from the editing and publication process.

Once the final corrected version of the article and the explanatory letter with the performed changes are received, the article starts the final editing process. If new corrections are found in the final stage, the contact author will be informed immediately. If no further corrections are required, the author is informed of the approximate date and volume in which the article will be published.


 The author (s) and / or owner (s) of the patrimonial rights of author of the article that is proposed for publication will authorize the Pascual Bravo University Institution, through a license to use it, so that its article can be publicly communicated, reproduced, disseminated or edited, nationally and internationally in any medium, for an indefinite period, in the form of an electronic article for exclusively scientific, cultural, dissemination and non-profit purposes.

Additionally, through this license the principle of free circulation of knowledge that regulates the Intellectual Property of the Pascual Bravo University Institution is accepted and, therefore, the author (s) and / or owner (s) of the economic rights of author of the article that is proposed for publication, authorize circulation in CINTEX magazine allowing third parties to distribute, modify, and create from the work, even for commercial purposes as long as credit is given for the original creation.


 The author (s) and / or owner (s) of the patrimonial rights of the author of the article that is proposed for publication declares with his / her presentation that it is an original text of his / her authorship and property, that has not been submitted to the process of publication in other journals or any other means of physical or digital public dissemination. With this presentation, the authors declare that they do not have any type of conflict of interest.

If this is not the case, they will be solely responsible for claims of any kind made by a third party, leaving I.U Pascual Bravo and its CINTEX magazine undamaged in the face of the consequences that these claims may generate.



Revista Cintex is an open access publication that aims to publish and disseminate the works to the national and international scientific and academic community without any profit motive.

The magazine has a Creative Commons copyright license with Attribution-NonCommercial (CC BY-NC). This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work non-commercially, and although their new works must also acknowledge you and be non-commercial, they don’t have to license their derivative works on the same terms.


Gobierno de España, CSIC (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas de España), UNIVERSIA (Red de universidades de Iberoamérica)